January 2nd

Wake Up Early - Create Awesome Moments - Repeat

never forget the value of great coffee or supportive friends

Happy New Year and welcome to January 2, 2022. Maybe February 2, 2022 will have more meaning for most, but the SECOND day of the new year is when most people start their resolutions, looking forward to the opportunities of the coming months. While I’m happy to celebrate with the majority of the world as the calendar flipped to another year, why should we wait to make changes for a specific date.

I start every November to plan the direction of my life, but WHY should I wait for January 1 to implement those much needed changes. As creators, we should take responsibility for the needs of ourself - smilier to taking stock of our clients needs - and make course corrections as soon as possible. We all love to plan and make the statements about what changes will happen in our life for the new year. Here is an opportunity for each of us to evaluate where we are and make a path to where we wish to be. Lucky, your desire to change can coincide with the start of 2022.

Hopefully, you have seen or even experienced the changes I’m working on for myself and my business, recently with the updated website and new YouTube channel. There is a lot more “surprises” to come over the next few months including a new workshop series with other talented creatives and a deep focus into a passion project - More than Scars. Many people believe I stay too busy and never make time for myself to have fun or enjoy life. Nothing is further than the truth. I enjoy life through creating memories for others along with the satisfaction that my talents help people. Sometimes it’s a simple smile and sometimes it’s a full on laughing on the room moment, my captures help others live better and even thrive. Those moments give me value and center me in humility and grace.

Make your plans, put those into action and work a path to your better self and in the meantime, try to remember this quote from Winston Churchill:

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

If you are looking on ways to prepare for a new life direction, check out my video - 10 Ways to Prepare for 2022. If you can start ANYTIME, why not start TODAY!

Enough rambling on this beautiful Sunday while I’m nursing a shoulder injury aggravated by the last two days of hard shooting. I regret nothing of 2021. I would not be who I am without the successes and failures of my past. I am the culmination of the things I’ve done and the things I haven’t done… but I’m still a work in progress!

This is way I choose to start the New Year!

Robert Trawick
creative mad image creator that drinks too much coffee, eats too many cupcakes and loves light. like me | love me | follow me

Fujifilm Pop Up Camera Bars


New YouTube Channel